On this platform, you can discover what sustainable development challenges the Accelerator Labs have been working on, which partners got involved and what insights emerged from their on-the-ground experiments. Through these plans, the Labs can identify the way forward by seeing thematic patterns and can foster cross-Lab collaboration.
Join the R&D movement! To become a power user and curator, contact us.
- Afrique du Sud 5
- Algérie 3
- Angola 15
- Argentine 12
- Bangladesh 10
- Barbade 12
- Bénin 2
- Bhoutan 7
- Biélorussie 12
- Bolivie 10
- Bosnie-Herzégovine 8
- Burkina Faso 2
- Cambodge 4
- Cameroun 2
- Cap-Vert 8
- Colombie 14
- Égypte 4
- Équateur 9
- Eswatini 3
- Éthiopie 7
- Fidji 3
- Ghana 2
- Guatemala 11
- Guinée 1
- Guinée-Bissau 7
- Haïti 5
- Inde 2
- Indonésie 13
- Irak 5
- Jordanie 24
- Kazakhstan 3
- Kenya 2
- Kirghizistan 6
- Laos 6
- Lesotho 4
- Liban 2
- Libye 4
- Macédoine du Nord 9
- Malaisie 12
- Malawi 6
- Maldives 4
- Mali 2
- Maroc 2
- Maurice 2
- Mauritanie 7
- Mexique 9
- Mongolie 5
- Mozambique 2
- Namibie 2
- Népal 12
- Niger 6
- Nigeria 7
- Ouganda 6
- Ouzbékistan 6
- Palestine 7
- Panama 22
- Paraguay 6
- Pérou 5
- Philippines 12
- République démocratique du Congo 2
- République dominicaine 4
- République du Congo 2
- Rwanda 2
- Salvador 4
- Samoa 6
- Sénégal 4
- Serbie 6
- Sierra Leone 2
- Somalie 12
- Soudan 4
- Syrie 10
- Tanzanie 7
- Thaïlande 11
- Timor oriental 6
- Togo 3
- Trinité-et-Tobago 4
- Tunisie 6
- Turquie 12
- Ukraine 2
- Uruguay 2
- Viêt Nam 7
- Zambie 4
- Zimbabwe 2
Collections are curated by our community members.
- migration 10 Mirko Ebelshaeuser.
- Learning plans that deal with anti-corruption 3 Jeremy Boy.
- Paraguay 4 Monica Rios.
- Paraguay 3 Cristhian Parra.
- A demo collection on water for Angie [edited] 2 Jeremy Boy.
- Health 8 Mirko Ebelshaeuser.
- colombia 8 Natalia Jaramillo Gomez.
- Civic engagement 24 Alberto Cottica.
- Circular Economy Portfolios 14 Jeremy Boy.
- Waste to Livelihood 3 Jeremy Boy.
- Plastic Waste 1 Jeremy Boy.
- Food Waste 1 Jeremy Boy.
- Data and Knowledge 11 Jeremy Boy.
- Drought resilience 6 Angelica Gustilo Ong.
- Data and Precision Agriculture 3 Jeremy Boy.
- Digital Financial Inclusion 2 Jeremy Boy.
- Markets 2 Jeremy Boy.
- Self Sufficiency 3 Jeremy Boy.
- Supply Chain 4 Jeremy Boy.
- Responsible Consumption 5 Jeremy Boy.
- Community-based tourism 3 Alberto Cottica.
- New niches in tourism 8 Alberto Cottica.
- governance portfolios 1 Angelica Gustilo Ong.
- Digital data for tourism 2 Alberto Cottica.
- Tourism and environmental sustainability 5 Alberto Cottica.
- Big Data and AI Solutions - Ongoing work 16 Jeremy Boy.
- Information integrity 3 Jeremy Boy.