On this platform, you can discover what sustainable development challenges the Accelerator Labs have been working on, which partners got involved and what insights emerged from their on-the-ground experiments. Through these plans, the Labs can identify the way forward by seeing thematic patterns and can foster cross-Lab collaboration.
Join the R&D movement! To become a power user and curator, contact us.
- África do Sul 5
- Angola 15
- Argélia 2
- Argentina 9
- Bangladesh 6
- Barbados 12
- Benim 2
- Bielorrússia 2
- Bolívia 8
- Bósnia e Herzegovina 5
- Burkina Faso 2
- Butão 7
- Cabo Verde 8
- Camarões 2
- Camboja 4
- Cazaquistão 3
- Colômbia 6
- Egito 4
- El Salvador 4
- Equador 7
- Essuatíni 3
- Etiópia 7
- Fiji 6
- Filipinas 12
- Gana 2
- Guatemala 8
- Guiné 1
- Guiné-Bissau 7
- Haiti 5
- Índia 2
- Indonésia 12
- Iraque 5
- Jordânia 15
- Laos 6
- Lesoto 4
- Líbano 2
- Macedónia do Norte 7
- Malásia 8
- Malawi 6
- Maldivas 4
- Mali 2
- Marrocos 2
- Maurícia 2
- Mauritânia 7
- México 6
- Moçambique 2
- Mongólia 5
- Namíbia 2
- Nepal 12
- Níger 5
- Nigéria 7
- Palestina 7
- Panamá 17
- Paraguai 6
- Peru 2
- Quénia 2
- Quirguistão 6
- República Democrática do Congo 2
- República do Congo 2
- República Dominicana 4
- Ruanda 2
- Samoa 6
- Senegal 4
- Serra Leoa 2
- Sérvia 5
- Síria 10
- Somália 12
- Sudão 4
- Tailândia 11
- Tanzânia 6
- Timor-Leste 6
- Togo 3
- Trinidad e Tobago 4
- Tunísia 6
- Turquia 12
- Ucrânia 2
- Uganda 6
- Uruguai 2
- Uzbequistão 6
- Vietname 7
- Zâmbia 4
- Zimbábue 2
Collections are curated by our community members.
- migration 10 Mirko Ebelshaeuser.
- Learning plans that deal with anti-corruption 4 Jeremy Boy.
- Paraguay 4 Monica Rios.
- Paraguay 4 Cristhian Parra.
- A demo collection on water for Angie [edited] 2 Jeremy Boy.
- Health 8 Mirko Ebelshaeuser.
- colombia 8 Natalia Jaramillo Gomez.
- Civic engagement 23 Alberto Cottica.
- Circular Economy Portfolios 7 Jeremy Boy.
- Waste to Livelihood 3 Jeremy Boy.
- Responsible Consumption 3 Jeremy Boy.
- Plastic Waste 1 Jeremy Boy.
- Data and Knowledge 10 Jeremy Boy.
- Data and Precision Agriculture 3 Jeremy Boy.
- Markets 2 Jeremy Boy.
- Self Sufficiency 3 Jeremy Boy.
- Supply Chain 4 Jeremy Boy.
- Digital Financial Inclusion 2 Jeremy Boy.